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The 26th regular general meeting of shareholders

24.03.2020 Views:3011

NURI Telecom held the 26th general shareholders' meeting at NURI Building on March 24 at 9:00 AM.

At this general meeting of shareholders, there were audit reports and sales reports, actual status reports on the internal accounting management system, and senior auditors. 

As a resolution, approval of the first bill financial statements and consolidated financial statements (including 50 won cash dividend per share), approval of the second bill director appointment, approval of the fourth bill executive compensation limits, approval of the fifth bill audit compensation limits were approved after each vote, and the third bill, the appointment of an inspector of the bill, was rejected due to the insufficient number of decision-makers. 

At the general shareholders' meeting, President Kim Young Duk Said, "As the coronavirus originating from China spreads around the world, we are facing a crisis that cannot be foreseen, but our company plans to prepare for countermeasures by carefully monitoring this situation."