Enjoy Smart Life
In Green World


Foundation Data March, 1992
Date of listing August 29, 2000
CEO Jeong Hoon, Han
Main Business Development and supply of AMI system and energy related solutions
Location NURI BLD, Sapyeong-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul
Capital 6,027,767,500 won (at the end of the last business year)
Main subsidiary NuriVoice, NURI Bill, NURI Vista

Listing Status and Shareholder Composition

Stock information
Total number of listed shares 12,055,535 shares (common shares)
Settlement date December 31st every year
Announcement method Internet Homepage Electronic notice
Transfer agent Korea Securities Depository
Listing Information / Item Code Korea Exchange Market (KOSDAQ)/ A040160
Shareholder composition
(As of June 30, 2019)
NuriFlex Holdings INC. (29.75%)
Related parties (10.92%)
Individual investors and others (59.33%)